On May 16, 2021, the ČKRR was ČKRR creditworthiness held in Uhříněvsi, Prague, and our "Ený" is thus officially a breeding bitch!
After a long covid break, when the vast majority of exhibitions were cancelled or postponed, Ený (B'Ana Ataahua Taranaki) and I went to the National Exhibition in Brno on June 4, 2021. It ranked in a beautiful second place with… Continue Reading →
It’s always terrible when someone leaves before their time comes. Yesterday, beloved Ana Taranaki from our first litter passed the rainbow bridge. On 22nd of January she would live to be 3 years… will not live to life. Her life… Continue Reading →
We updated the photo gallery B-litter (and we apologize that it took so long) and we would like to point out that there are three beautiful guys who could make three families incredibly happy…
We have inserted new photos of our B-team into the photo gallery. They're 4 weeks old, so it was time to update:)
With happiness in our hearts we announce that we expect a happy event. A Litter B will be born around 10th of April to our C.I.B. MultiCh., Club Ch. Grace ELiviann z Valdštejnských lip. A father of Litter B is… Continue Reading →
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